Cómo citar un artículo de Arxiv usando bibtex

Esta es una pregunta sobre cómo usar bibtex para citar una preimpresión de Arxiv. Supongamos que tengo:

@ARTICLE{BM:1999, AUTHOR = {First, Author AND Second, Author}, TITLE = {The title of this article}, YEAR = {2035}, JOURNAL = What exactly do I put here?, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, PAGES = {} } 

¿Dónde pongo exactamente el código del artículo en arxiv? Supongamos que el código es arXiv: 1234: 5678v1

Estoy usando

\bibliographystyle{alpha} % (uses file "plain.bst")amsplain \bibliography{myrefs} % expects file "myrefs.bib" 

* EDIT: * En realidad hay una entrada BibTeX que es @unpublished que es la que estoy usando. No me di cuenta y puse @article en el ejemplo anterior. Tiene campos: autor, título, nota, mes, año y clave. Así que la pregunta es más sobre si poner el código arxiv del artículo en nota o en clave.



También vale la pena mencionar Biblatex, que tiene el soporte adecuado para eprints con todos los estilos. Para arXiv, específicamente, puede usar

archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {0902.0885}, primaryClass = {quant-ph},

for a new-style eprint, or

archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {quant-ph/0401062},

for an old-style eprint.

Both entries were taken directly from the NASA ADS database, clicking on «Export». The journal field you left empty, except of course if has actually been published elsewhere. As for the template, it depends on the style you are using. I use @article with the style biblatex-phys, and the formatting is good, but with the default style it produces crap if journal is empty. In this case you can use @misc and @online, with similar results. You should avoid @unpublished, however, as it hides the eprint number.

EDIT: Updated to take into account the comments.


  • I disagree that the formatting as @article is good. You get something of the form ... In: (2015) if you omit the journal field, which looks strange…
  • Yeah the missing «in» is really odd.
  • Unfortunately arXiv itself is still using texlive 2011 which is completely incompatible with the version of biblatex in texlive 2016.
  • I would advise to use the @misc type, as it officially allows the fields eprint, eprintclass, and eprinttype, as opposed to @unpublished, and @online. @article requires journaltitle, as @Jonathan pointed out. See biblatex documentation (2.1 Entry Types and 3.12. Electronic Publishing Information)
  • anyone else experience that archivePrefix in one bibtex entry makes the hidden links in the pdf ALL get prefixed by the value of archivePrefix (ie arxiv.org)? This is using apsrev-title.bst


This is what I do

  1. Go to arXiv site: e.g. https://arxiv.org/abs/q-alg/9503002
  2. Click NASA ADS link under References and Citations e.g. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/arXiv:q-alg%2F9503002
  3. On the left, click «Export Citation» e.g. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995JMP….36.6073B/exportcitation
  4. Click «Copy to clipboard» and paste it into your bibtex file
  5. (Optional) Check for the most common mistakes in automatically created bib entries Software-generated bibliographic entries: common errors and other mistakes to check before use


  • This is ridiculously useful, I wish I knew about this before…
  • May I suggest a 6th step? 6. Check the for the most common mistakes in automatically created bib entries, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/386053/36296
  • Now after the NASA ADS link, you can go to «Export» tab on the left and choose BibTex


General arXiv citations are explained in the arXiv help. The correct citation format depends on whether it is an «old style» arXiv reference (eg arXiv:hep-ph/9609357) or «new style» (eg arXiv:0807.2882 [cond-mat.mes-hall]).

The REVTeX4.1 bibstyles also support arXiv references.

AMS styles, I can»t help….


  • +1 for eprint, that’s as much of a standard as I’ve ever seen. If the AMS styles don’t use it, then that’s an AMS-specific issue. You can modify the Bibtex style to include the eprint field if it’s important to you.
  • Neither eprint nor url are standard fields in the current BibTeX. You can’t hardly fault a style for not implementing a non-standard field. (Though I thought I heard a rumour here that the next version of BibTeX will have proper support of electronic documents.)
  • Just a comment on David Zaskavsky’s comment: There is a lovely little script called urlbst that adds support for the eprint and url fields (and various other kinds of web link e.g. DOI’s and PubMed) to an existing bst file. It works fine on the AMS styles.
  • The link to the help is invalid now


I usually leave journal blank, or put in the word «pre-print». The arXiv information I usually put in note, since the AMS styles ignore the eprint field. When I get less lazy I sometimes use, instead of the @article document type, @misc.


  • This more like what I was asking. Now, it would be good to know if this is standard and even more if AMS has some guideline in this case.
  • Actually there is a bibtex entry that is @unpublished which is the one I am using. I didn’t noticed and I put @article in the example above. It has fields: author, title, note, month, year and key. So the question is more about whether to put the arxiv code of the article in note or in key.
  • Nevermind. Key is a field that is ignored and not printed, so it can not be there. Then I think it should be in NOTE as you said.
  • What exactly should be in the note field? The full URL or just the arXiv id?
  • @ErelSegalHalevi: there is no «should», since I don’t think it is standardized. But I generally just put the arXiv id such as arXiv:gr-qc/XXXXXXX or arXiv:XXXX.XXXX Remember, absent an actual style guide from a journal, the main goal of the bibliography is to make the references findable by readers. The arXiv id (properly formatted) is sufficient to uniquely identify a pre-print, so it is generally good enough.


DBLP, which generally produces good BibTeX files, formats an archive entry as:

@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1207-0016, author = {Ruchen Duan Yingbin Liang}, title = {Bounds and Capacity Theorems for Cognitive Interference Channels with State}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1207.0016}, year = {2012}, ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.0016}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } 



  • Este formato no sigue la pauta dada en arxiv.org , y gané ‘ No entiendo la referencia personalmente si no se muestra la URL.


Para compilar mi lista de publicaciones utilizo la entrada bibtex que Spires proporciona para cada registro. Puede buscar el autor y la fecha para encontrar la entrada Spires.


@misc es la mejor solución. Simplemente especifique archivePrefix="arXiv" y el eprint id, como en la respuesta de Mateus.

@article muestra un campo In: en blanco, y @unpublished no» muestra un ID de arXiv, pero @misc muestra el autor, el título, el año y el ID de arXiv.


Una extensión de Chrome llamada El «bibliotecario» de la biblioteca de Fermat puede extraer citas en formato BibTeX directamente de arXiv:


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