Eine einfache verknüpfte Liste von Arrays in Java


Diese einfache Datenstruktur kombiniert ArrayList mit LinkedList. Mit anderen Worten, es handelt sich um eine verknüpfte Liste von Arrays:



package net.coderodde.util.experimental; /** * This class implements an experimental linked list data structure that * combines linked list with array-based list. * * @author Rodion "rodde" Efremov * @version 1.6 (Aug 22, 2018) */ public final class LinkedBlockList<T> { private static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_CAPACITY = 64; private static final int MINIMUM_BLOCK_CAPACITY = 4; /** * This static inner class implements the actual blocks storing the * elements. * * @param <T> the element type. */ private static final class Block<T> { /** * The length of {@code array}. */ final int capacity; /** * The mask used for modulo computation. */ final int indexMask; /** * The number of elements in this block. */ int size; /** * The index of the very first element in this block. */ int headIndex; /** * The array holding all the elements belonging to this block. */ T[] array; /** * The previous block. */ Block<T> previousBlock; /** * The next block. */ Block<T> nextBlock; Block(int capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; this.indexMask = capacity - 1; this.array = (T[]) new Object[capacity]; } T get(int logicalIndex) { return array[(headIndex + logicalIndex) & indexMask]; } void setNull(int logicalIndex) { array[(headIndex + logicalIndex) & indexMask] = null; } } /** * The number of elements in this list. */ private int size; /** * The number of blocks contained by this list. */ private int blocks; /** * The first block in the chain. */ private Block<T> headBlock; /** * The last block in the chain. */ private Block<T> tailBlock; /** * The block capacity. */ private int blockCapacity; /** * The mask used for index computation. */ private int indexMask; public LinkedBlockList(int blockCapacity) { blockCapacity = Math.max(blockCapacity, MINIMUM_BLOCK_CAPACITY); blockCapacity = ceilToPowerOfTwo(blockCapacity); this.blockCapacity = blockCapacity; this.indexMask = blockCapacity - 1; } public LinkedBlockList() { this(DEFAULT_BLOCK_CAPACITY); } public void add(int index, T element) { checkAddIndex(index); if (size == 0) { headBlock = new Block<>(blockCapacity); tailBlock = headBlock; headBlock.array[0] = element; headBlock.size = 1; size = 1; return; } Block<T> block = headBlock; while (index > block.size) { index -= block.size; block = block.nextBlock; } if (block.size == block.capacity) { // Create a new block and move to it as little elements as possible: int elementsOnLeft = index; int elementsOnRight = block.size - index; Block<T> newBlock = new Block<>(blockCapacity); if (elementsOnLeft < elementsOnRight) { // Add newBlock before block and move to it the prefix of the // current block and append the new element: for (int newBlockIndex = 0; newBlockIndex < elementsOnLeft; newBlockIndex++) { newBlock.array[newBlockIndex] = block.get(newBlockIndex); block.setNull(newBlockIndex); } newBlock.array[elementsOnLeft] = element; newBlock.size = elementsOnLeft + 1; newBlock.nextBlock = block; newBlock.previousBlock = block.previousBlock; block.previousBlock = newBlock; block.size -= elementsOnLeft; block.headIndex = (block.headIndex + elementsOnLeft) & indexMask; if (newBlock.previousBlock == null) { headBlock = newBlock; } else { newBlock.previousBlock.nextBlock = newBlock; } } else { block.size -= elementsOnRight; newBlock.array[0] = element; int targetIndex = 1; for (int newBlockIndex = index; newBlockIndex < elementsOnRight; newBlockIndex++) { newBlock.array[targetIndex] = block.get(newBlockIndex); block.setNull(newBlockIndex); targetIndex++; } newBlock.size = elementsOnRight + 1; newBlock.previousBlock = block; newBlock.nextBlock = block.nextBlock; block.nextBlock = newBlock; if (newBlock.nextBlock == null) { tailBlock = newBlock; } else { newBlock.nextBlock.previousBlock = newBlock; } } } else { // The current block is not full so insert into it: int elementsOnLeft = index; int elementsOnRight = block.size - index; if (elementsOnLeft < elementsOnRight) { // Shift the leftmost elements one position to the left: for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementsOnLeft; elementIndex++) { int sourceIndex = (block.headIndex + elementIndex) & indexMask; int targetIndex = (block.headIndex + elementIndex - 1) & indexMask; block.array[targetIndex] = block.array[sourceIndex]; } block.array[(block.headIndex + index - 1) & indexMask] = element; block.headIndex = (block.headIndex - 1) & indexMask; block.size++; } else { // Shift the rightmost elements one position to the right: for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementsOnRight; elementIndex++) { int sourceIndex = (block.headIndex + block.size - elementIndex - 1) & indexMask; int targetIndex = (block.headIndex + block.size - elementIndex) & indexMask; block.array[targetIndex] = block.array[sourceIndex]; } block.array[(block.headIndex + index) & indexMask] = element; block.size++; } } size++; } public T get(int index) { checkAccessIndex(index); Block<T> block = headBlock; while (index >= block.size) { index -= block.size; block = block.nextBlock; } return block.get(index); } public void remove(int index) { checkAccessIndex(index); Block<T> targetBlock = headBlock; while (index >= targetBlock.size) { index -= targetBlock.size; targetBlock = targetBlock.nextBlock; } if (targetBlock.size == 1) { // The target block contains only one element. Unlink it from the // chain of blocks: if (targetBlock == headBlock) { headBlock = headBlock.nextBlock; if (headBlock != null) { headBlock.previousBlock = null; } } else { targetBlock.previousBlock.nextBlock = targetBlock.nextBlock; } if (targetBlock == tailBlock) { tailBlock = tailBlock.previousBlock; if (tailBlock != null) { tailBlock.nextBlock = null; } } else { targetBlock.nextBlock.previousBlock = targetBlock.previousBlock; } } else { int elementsOnLeft = index; int elementsOnRight = targetBlock.size - index - 1; if (elementsOnLeft < elementsOnRight) { // Shift the leftmost elements in the target block one position // to the right: for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int sourceIndex = (targetBlock.headIndex + i) & indexMask; int targetIndex = (targetBlock.headIndex + i + 1) & indexMask; targetBlock.array[targetIndex] = targetBlock.array[sourceIndex]; } targetBlock.setNull(0); targetBlock.headIndex = (targetBlock.headIndex + 1) & indexMask; targetBlock.size--; } else { // Shift the rightmost elements in the target block one position // to the left: for (int i = index + 1; i < targetBlock.size; i++) { int sourceIndex = (targetBlock.headIndex + i) & indexMask; int targetIndex = (targetBlock.headIndex + i - 1) & indexMask; targetBlock.array[targetIndex] = targetBlock.array[sourceIndex]; } targetBlock.size--; targetBlock.setNull(targetBlock.size); } } size--; } public int size() { return size; } /** * Returns a number between zero and one indicating how densely the blocks * are. * * @return density factor. */ public float getDensityFactor() { return ((float) size) / blocks * blockCapacity; } private void checkAccessIndex(int index) { if (index < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index(" + index + ") < 0"); } if (index >= size) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "index(" + index + ") >= (" + size + ")"); } } private void checkAddIndex(int index) { if (index < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index(" + index + ") < 0"); } if (index > size) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "index(" + index + ") > (" + size + ")"); } } private static int ceilToPowerOfTwo(int number) { int ret = 1; while (ret < number) { ret <<= 1; } return ret; } } 


  LinkedBlockList.add in 106 ms. LinkedBlockList.get in 214 ms. LinkedBlockList.remove in 223 ms. LinkedBlockList total time: 543 ms. LinkedList.add in 4810 ms. LinkedList.get in 13839 ms. LinkedList.remove in 7292 ms. LinkedList total time: 25941 ms.  

Pseudo-Benchmark- und Unit-Tests finden Sie unter GitHub .

Jede Kritik wird sehr geschätzt.


Nicht erforderlich ist

  • Block.capacity – Verwenden Sie an einer Stelle einfach blockCapacity.

Immer noch ein Fehler:

 for (int newBlockIndex = index; newBlockIndex < elementsOnRight; 

sollte (glaube ich)

 for (int newBlockIndex = index; newBlockIndex < index + elementsOnRight; 

sein (Wiederholen Sie die Benchmark, bevor Sie den Algorithmus verbessern.)

Man kann System.arraycopy und Arrays.fill verwenden. Für große Zahlen ist arraycopy besser als eine Schleife.

Dann wäre es günstiger, den (netten) Modulo-Trick („Round Robin“ genannt) fallen zu lassen. Löschen:

  • Block.indexMask – Benennen Sie logischenIndex in arrayIndex um und führen Sie kein Modulo aus.
  • Block.headIndex

Dadurch wird auch die geringfügige Anforderung beseitigt, dass die Blockkapazität eine Potenz von 2 ist.

 // Add newBlock before block and move to it the prefix of the // current block and append the new element: for (int newBlockIndex = 0; newBlockIndex < elementsOnLeft; newBlockIndex++) { newBlock.array[newBlockIndex] = block.get(newBlockIndex); block.setNull(newBlockIndex); } 

kann wie folgt durchgeführt werden:

 System.arraycopy(block.array, 0, newBlock.array, 0, elementsOnLeft); Arrays.fill(block.array, 0, elementsOnLeft, null); 

Dasselbe gilt für

 int targetIndex = 1; for (int newBlockIndex = index; newBlockIndex < /* index + ? */ elementsOnRight; newBlockIndex++) { newBlock.array[targetIndex] = block.get(newBlockIndex); block.setNull(newBlockIndex); targetIndex++; } 


 System.arraycopy(block.array, index, newBlock.array, 1, elementsOnRight); Arrays.fill(block.array, 1, elementsOnRight, null); 

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